Drowning in My Anxiety and Queen Bee
Drowning in My Anxiety
Air-dry clay, wire, chalk, wood, wood glue, acrylic paint
In Process photos:
There are many important social issues that are within our world. However, my sights landed upon mental health and the lack of awareness in some places and with some people around the world. For a long time, I myself ignored my mental health because there was and still is a large stigma around mental health, seeking out professional help, and allowing yourself to heal from any mental issues one has faced. In this bust, I focused on how I felt when I have severe anxiety. The large swirling ball over my head is the anxious tendencies and thoughts that come up when I have severe anxiety. The lack of a mouth represents my past and occasionally current inability to talk about my anxiety. The tendrils wrapping around the neck symbolize the choked-up feeling when I get anxious. The black eyes and the black ombre pedestal represent how my anxiety can drag me into a pit of despair, nervousness, sadness, and even frustration. This has allowed me to better deal with my anxiety and how my anxiety physically affects me.
Queen Bee
Air-dry clay, chalk, bee wax, wood, sharpie
In Process Photos:
Each year hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of bees die. Their deaths are due to global warming, pesticides, diseases, and many other factors. Through this piece, I hoped to represent the sadness a hive and a queen would possibly feel due to the loss of her children and her family. The figure has her eyes closed due to the sadness of the situation. I left the figure without a mouth because the bees themselves have no ability to fight for a better life for themselves. I used bee wax on the crown and on the pedestal, as well as the honeycomb hexagon pattern on the pedestal, to help emanate bee hive aspects. Through this piece, I have been able to show the sadness and fear that comes with the remaining bees and the vital part they play in our world.
Drowning in my anxiety:
- https://www.remedylive.com/anxiety
Queen Bee:
- https://www.geesbees.ca/post/the-queen-bee
- https://thebeeconservancy.org/sponsor-a-hive-overview/?gclid=CjwKCAjwx46TBhBhEiwArA_DjJtfJdAJwm__Y3tL7u4g3SnIsweUo0Ez8LNF9pU3GGjW6XOD8W4mFBoCEYsQAvD_BwE
- https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/09/26/two-neonicotinoid-bumble-bee-studies-science-can-massaged/?gclid=CjwKCAjwx46TBhBhEiwArA_DjNFvs2YTUgMA2sCa-lfTP4n_RfbmpQ4hoUJzU9nS1jpP3363RWTzLBoCsb4QAvD_BwE
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